Houston Pickleball Leagues
City-wide Pickleball leagues are now being formed for Men's, Women's and Mixed doubles teams. Any individual or facility may form a team. Matches will be played weekly for the duration of a "season." Each team will play the other teams twice and the season length will depend on the number of teams entered. Matches should be played on a "home & home" basis, but any match may be played at the Houston Badminton Center or at any facility agreed to by both teams. A match can be played at any time/day during the same week of the season. A team may have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 players on it's roster, including a captain. League matches will be 2of3 games to 11 points, win by 2. Each team match will consist of 4 doubles and must be organized by player ratings or ability: Line 1, Line 2, Line 3 and Line 4 (but these may be played in any order or all at once.) A player may only play on one line in a match. A team MUST forfeit any line for which it does not have enough players, but may play and win the match anyway. USAPA rules will apply. A neutral referee may be used if both teams agree. Each line in each match will count as 1 point for the winners. Ties are possible. Score sheets will be signed by both captains and submitted to the league office. Serious disputes will be resolved by the league office and decisions will be final. Results will be posted on this website weekly. The overall winner will be decided by the highest point score, then by head-to-head results and then by total points won, if necessary. There will be a Team Fee of $25 for each team entered, which will cover administrative costs and medals for the winners. To enter your team, download the TEAM ENTRY FORM on the left, complete it and return it, along with your $25 team fee(cash or check,) to: Houston Pickleball League 20307 Monkswood Dr. Katy, TX 77450 For information, call 281-793-4360 or email [email protected] |